Who are we?

The Juniper Tree is a U.K-registered Charitable Foundation. The Trustees are represented in Thailand by an Executive Committee comprising several missionaries and Thai Christian leaders. To ensure stable legal status, The Juniper Tree operates in Thailand as a project of the Covenant Foundation, a Thai Christian Foundation of like-minded objectives and beliefs.

The Juniper Tree Trustees in the U.K appoint the expatriate managers at both locations. The managers are responsible for the everyday running of the Juniper Tree. They are unpaid volunteers, responsible for raising their own support.

The Juniper Tree is a non-denominational organization, not linked to any individual mission society. It adheres to the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand and is a member of the UK-based Global Connections.

The Juniper Tree Charitable Foundation (JTCF)
Chair: Mrs Susanne Tun Pe

Tel. +44 (0)1258 450891
Click here to send a message to Susanne.
UK Registered Charity #: 1057229

Covenant Foundation of Thailand (CFT)
Chair: Dr K Wangrangsimakul

343 Thammoonvithi Road
Had Yai, SONGKHLA, Thailand 90110
Thailand Registered Foundation # 114/2530

How did it begin?

Step by Step

When the first house was rented on the beach at Hua Hin, south of Bangkok, it was a step of faith and ever since that time, the ministry of The Juniper Tree has been one step of faith after another. The name of The Juniper Tree was given by Ruth Wilson after reading of Elijah’s experiences in 1 Kings 19:4-8 (KJV).The prophet was given good rest and restoration, both physically and spiritually, under a juniper tree, to enable him to resume the ministry to which God had called him.


Ruth Wilson retired from the work in 1992 but the vision is now carried on through the formation of The Juniper Tree Charitable Foundation, a U.K registered charity.

Branching out

Over the years, as the number of guests staying at Hua Hin increased, the need for a second Juniper Tree became apparent. Chiang Mai was identified as a potential site for a second location and in November 2000 a former resort-style guesthouse was purchased and the second Juniper Tree established.

A new era

For a number of reasons, the original Juniper Tree, which was a rented property, closed in March 2006. After a long search, the Lord led the Trustees to purchase a piece of land at Dolphin Bay, to the south of Hua Hin and construction on the new Juniper Tree, Dolphin Bay began.

Ruth Wilson

Ruth was born in Bellingham, WA, U.S.A, the first daughter of Rebecca Laura and L.G. Stanbra. She graduated from Friday Harbor High School after moving with her family to San Juan Island. She married Gene Wilson in 1942.

After barely surviving a terrible boat fire, which resulted in the untimely death of her young husband, Ruth went on to graduate from Seattle Pacific College and was a member of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Seattle. She then went on to do mission support work in Asia with Wycliffe Bible Translators and Overseas Missionary Fellowship before founding The Juniper Tree. Ruth’s ministry was appreciated by thousands of Christian workers from all over Asia. Hebrews 6 v 10 is so applicable to her life and ministry.

Ruth passed away in the U.S.A. on January 27, 2008 at the age of 86.

Want to donate

The day-to-day running costs of The Juniper Tree are met by the donations from those who stay. However, we are always grateful for additional donations which enable us to upgrade and develop the facilities.

Gifts may be given to the individual centres, or by contacting the Trust treasurer